1.Difficult to start.
2.Once started difficult to keep going on..
3.Numerous side activities. ( games, movies, alaa... all of the fun stuff xD)
4.Time consuming non-academic activities.
( why i prefer talking than studying at this particular time..adoyai syafiqq)
5.Laptop problems...( Sound card not detected!! )
6.Want to share problems with mama...declined by
Stupid e-voiz & Stupid DSL(bajet laju) padahal xpun...
7.Plenty to study but not enough time
9.Pleasee watch my book..(pretty much encouraging.. am i right :P)
'O Allah the Almighty , give me strength to endure my up coming exam.and i beg your guidance throughout this obstacle...i am the weakest slave you ever own,,i am thankful for all your ni3mah and trials... and please , spare me and my family a place in your heaven' ameen ya rabb~
p/s-a piece of advice wouldn't harm..would it??...