Saturday, March 28

cabaran yg x penah dihadapi :(

salam alaik~

hmm..macam mane ek nk face dgn kwn baik kte zaman sek dl yg skrg ni dah b'tukar agama?
terkilan n sdey bl pk kan keadaan ni...x tau nk refer pd sape n x tau nk jwb segala persoalan yg di tanya...b4 ni dgr org cte je tb2 kene dkt kwn sendiri :(

dia ni best student sek,straight A spm (masyaAllah~hebat x hebat la), berperwatakan baik,bertudung labuh,b'tutup lingkup,sume cikgu syg,dikenali ramai,cantik (sbb dia mix)...n bla bla bla...

dia diuji yg bl difikir balik maybe ms p'sediaan dia nk ke overseas~hmmm...dugaan Allah 2 dtg bl2 ms jekan? x tau sm ada kte b'jaya@gagal hadapi 2 sume...

nk dikongsikan cte sbnrnye cmni~......

1st tyme dpt detect dia pelik bl dia start ym x beri salam tp sebaliknya bg ucapan "hye!" n bl da hbs ym pun dia just say "tata@ bye" x beri salam pape pn...peliknye dia tb2 cmni...b4 ni ym bg salam tb2 hye2 bye2 ni pelik je ~ ok...x pela..relax lg..
mgkn sj2 je nk bg negara omputeh la kate kan~then,bl dpt tau dia da fly ke oversea,sj nk tgk gmbr dia kt sn...mcm kte la kan bl duk oversea msti org nk tgk gmbr kte kt sn..nk tau sume bnd~al maklum la kwn baik kan.....lg 1 pelik da ni. dia wt private da mntk kbnrn nk tgk,dia pun approve esoknye..

agk t'kejut bl tgk dia da x pkai tdg n b'gmbr dpn church :( tgn ni laju je trs buzz dia yg tgh on9...n dia pun laju la mereply mcm bese...mula2 borak bese je...pas2 da start tny ckit2...

ni la ym ktorg~(setelah diedit-sekadar gn A n B sj ye!) :

A:aku tny ko xterasakn??
B: Tny ah.ak sdia!
A: sjak ble ko free hair??
B: Hahah
A: huhu
A: terkejut beruk aku~
B: Sjak ak lahir kot
B: Mane pakai tdg kuar prot
B: Wakakaka
B: Lohh.toksah ah nk tkjot brok
B: Lek2 sudeyy.hehe
A: msti ader sbb ko free hair~
B: Ade2!
A: npe?
B: Haha
B: Nk taw ke?
A: nk laaa
A: ko kwn aku
B: Npe?
A: best frend plak tue
B: Owh
A: aku knl ko dlu
B: Hahah
B: Ak xpakai tdg ats sbb plhn aku
A: family ko tau x??
B: Juga sbb kprcayaan aku
B: Tau2
A: kprcyaan ko??
A: npe??
A: aku xphm~
B: Haha.xleh elaborate!
A: sjak ble??
A: sjak p oversea ker??
B: Ah,b4 actually
A: o0o0o..
A: kire ko sana xbwk tdung laa nie?
B: Bw sehelai,cz kat epot artuh kne pakai
B: Npe?
A: xder..
A: terkejut laa
A: sedey pon ader
A: coz aku syg ko..kalo aku xsyg ko,aku xtny ko..
B: Owh.laa,kalo ak free hair,ko xsyg ah?
B: Uish.xikhlas!
B: Hehe
A: x..
A: aku syg gak ko~
A: ko ttp kwn aku
A: cume aku terkejut cket laa
B: Haha.teng queue

ym ktorg t'pksa dipostpone sbb ms 2 ada keje yg x dpt dielakkan...
so da janji ngn dia nk ym lg dia esknya so dia ckp ok!
setakat ni dl utk arini sbb pnt jgk pk pasal ni...:((

nk tau seterusnya..iAllah smbg esk yek!

wuuuuu~pe nk jdk ngn kwn ak ni...
mntk tlg sume doakan dia :((

Friday, March 27

Bronchial Asthma

What is bronchial asthma?

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which may vary in severity and frequency from person to person. The inflammation in the bronchial tree causes increased mucus production, swelling of the tissue lining the airways and spasm of the small muscles surrounding the airways (bronchospasm) causing constriction of the airways.

More than 6 million children under the age of 18 have asthma. The majority of kids with asthma develop symptoms by age 6, and many even develop symptoms by age 3.

What triggers an asthma attack?

The risk factors for developing asthma are inhaled asthma triggers. These include:
• Indoor allergens (for example house dust mites in bedding, carpet and stuffed furniture)
• Outdoor allergens (such as pollens and moulds)
• Tobacco smoke

Other triggers can include cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger, fear and physical exercise. In some people, asthma can be triggered by certain medications, such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and beta-blockers.

Genetic factors play a role in child-onset asthma. When these children are exposed to the triggering factor, they produce a type of antibody that is intended to engulf and destroy the foreign materials. This has the effect of making the airway cells sensitive to particular materials. Further exposure can lead rapidly to an asthmatic response. When an infant or young child wheezes during viral infections, the presence of allergy (in the child itself or a close relative) is a clue that asthma may well continue throughout childhood.

What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?

The signs and symptoms include:
• Frequent coughing spells, which may occur during play, at night, or while laughing.
• Less energy during play.
• Rapid breathing.
• Complaint of chest tightness or chest “hurting.”
• Wheezing when breathing in and out.
• See-saw motions (retractions) in the chest from labored breathing.
• Shortness of breath, loss of breath.
• Tightened neck and chest muscles.
• Feelings of weakness or tiredness.

How is asthma diagnosed?

The disease can often be diagnosed based on the child’s medical history, symptoms and physical exam. Sometimes, chest X-ray and pulmonary function test are done if the child is corporative.

How is asthma treated?

The symptoms can be managed with medications, especially inhaled corticosteroids and beta2-agonists (salbutamol or etc). The child usually has a management plan consisting of a daily treatment plan and an asthma action plan. These plans help the child to meet treatment goals:
• Increase lung function by treating the underlying inflammation in the lungs.
• Decrease the severity, frequency, and duration of asthma attacks by avoiding triggers.
• Treat the acute attacks as they occur.
• Use quick-relief medicine less.
• Have a full quality of life (the ability to participate in all daily activities, including school, exercise and recreation) by preventing and managing symptoms.
• Sleep through the night undisturbed by asthma symptoms.

Tuesday, March 24

Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in ICU

Primary: Human agents

1. Workers
Washing of hands before and after handling the patients.
Wear the protective clothes during any step of treatment.
Wear special clothes (Uniform) of the unit.
Free medical workers from any infectious diseases.

2. Patients
Presence of the separation system for every patient from the others. (curtains or separate glass room)
Following the separation needs of each patient with infectious disease.
The patient’s cleanliness is sured.

3. Visitors
Not allow visitors to enter the ICU.
Wear over shoes on entering.
Limiting number of visitors is not more than two person only.
Absence of smoking or spit-off saliva on the floor.
Absence of touching tools or machines around patients.

Secondary : Care During Treatment

1. Change tubes and masks of respiratory machines every week and between patients.
2. Change the water within the air conditioning machine daily.
3. Sterilization of the air conditioning machine and water storage weekly.
4. Following of steps of preventing the pollution during any steps of treatment.
5. Wear the protective clothes according to followed steps and medical practices.

Tertiary: Environment

1. Close the windows perfectly.
2. Presence of central air condition & machine which control temperature & humidity.
3. Presence of distance about 3 meters between beds.
4. Presence of special patient rooms of complete separation and respiratory needs.
5. Presence of special place to store protective clothes.
6. Absence of any plants inside the unit.
7. Washing of the horizontal surfaces daily by Choler(CL).
8. Cleaning of the unit every morning & at the end of every shift or when it needed

Fourthly: Tools

1. Presence of protective clothes to the unit workers.
2. Presence of disinfecting agents (betadine – alcohol – choler).

Monday, March 23

jawapan ALLAH t'hadap apa yg t'jadi

ya Allah!!! kenapa sume ni t'jadi pd aku???

"boleh jadi kamu m'benci sesuatu pada hal ia amat baik bagimu,dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu,padahal ia amat buruk bagimu,Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui"

(al-baqarah : 216)

ya Allah!!! kenapa berat sgt ujian ni???

"Allah tidak membebani seseorg itu melainkan sesuai dgn kesanggupannya..."

(al-imran : 286)

ya Allah!!! terasa hidup ni sudah tak de maknanye lagi...

"jgn lah kamu b'sikap lemah dan jgn pula kamu b'sedih hati, padahal kamulah org yg plg tinggi darjatnya,jika kamu org2 yg b'iman"

(al-imran : 139)

ya Allah!!! mcm mana harus aku hadapi sume ini???

"dan mintalah p'tolongn (kpd Allah) dgn jln yg sabar dan mengerjakan smbhyang dan sesungguhnya smbhyg itu amatlah berat kecuali kpd org2 yg khusyuk"

(al-baqarah : 45)

ya Allah!!! apa yg aku dpt drpd sume ni???

"sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari org2 mukmin,diri dan harta mereka dgn m'berikan syurga utk mereka"

(at-taubah : 111)

ya Allah!!! kpd siapa dpt aku b'harap dan b'gantung???

"sesungguhnya Allah bagiku,tiada Tuhan selain dari Nya. hanya kpdNya aku b'tawakkal"

(at-taubah : 129)

ya Allah!!! b'iman kah aku???

"apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan, 'kami telah b'iman', sdg kan mereka tidak diuji? dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji org2 sblm mereka,maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui org2 yg benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta"

(al-ankabut : 2-3)


msti tiap2 hari kte tensyen ngn masalah kan? normal la 2...Allah saje nk uji kte nk tgk takat mana iman kte pd,same2 la kte tadabbur ayt2 Allah yg kte bc tiap2 hr sbb kdg2 kte t'lps pndg dgn kelebihan ayt Dia..dan segala masalah@dugaan yg kte x mampu nk hadapi iAllah Allah ada bantu kte dgn ayt2Nya...don't easily give up!!!

syukur padaMu ALLAH!!!

Sunday, March 22

Salam Perkenalan 4 Everyone!!!

salam 'alaik....

kaifahalukum??? akhirnya!!! huhuhu...setelah idop 20 thn lbey ni br nk manje2 ngn blog..b4 ni x penah pon t'lintas nk x pela,at least ada medium tuk release tension & share pape yg patut..asyk bc blog org je..hoho~ best bc blog org len tp mntk maaf awl2 utk sume yg bc klu x best blog ni..:) pnt jgk nk pk pe nk tulis ni...da la x mnt wt karangan dr sek rendah dl (tetiba t'ingt zmn kanak2 dl :D ) just read 4 fun yeah!!...

utk permulaan blog ni,sm2 kte hayati mksd doa rabitah ni..smg pe yg kte doa setiap hr ni diperkenan kan insyaAllah..ameen~

YA ALLAH, Engkau mengetahui hati-hati ini telah berkumpul kerana mengasihiMU, bertemu untuk mematuhi perintahMU, bersatu memikul beban dakwahMU,hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk mendaulat & menyokong syariatMU,maka eratkanlah YA ALLAH akan ikatannya...Kekalkanlah kemesraan antara hati-hati ini akan jalanNYA yang sebenar, Penuhkanlah hati ini dengan cahaya RabbaniMu yang tidak kunkung malap, Lapangkanlah hati-hati ini dengan limpahan iman dan keyakinan dan keindahan tawakkal kepadaMU, Hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini dengan ma'rifat (pengetahuan sebenar) tentangMU, Jika Engkau mentakdirkan mati, maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini sebagai para syuhada dalam perjuangan agamaMU, Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong,YA ALLAH,Perkenankanlah permintaan ini.


p/s : jom study!! exam lg sebulan je nih :)
doakan kte sume dpt mumtaz sm2!!!

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