Tuesday, March 24

Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in ICU

Primary: Human agents

1. Workers
Washing of hands before and after handling the patients.
Wear the protective clothes during any step of treatment.
Wear special clothes (Uniform) of the unit.
Free medical workers from any infectious diseases.

2. Patients
Presence of the separation system for every patient from the others. (curtains or separate glass room)
Following the separation needs of each patient with infectious disease.
The patient’s cleanliness is sured.

3. Visitors
Not allow visitors to enter the ICU.
Wear over shoes on entering.
Limiting number of visitors is not more than two person only.
Absence of smoking or spit-off saliva on the floor.
Absence of touching tools or machines around patients.

Secondary : Care During Treatment

1. Change tubes and masks of respiratory machines every week and between patients.
2. Change the water within the air conditioning machine daily.
3. Sterilization of the air conditioning machine and water storage weekly.
4. Following of steps of preventing the pollution during any steps of treatment.
5. Wear the protective clothes according to followed steps and medical practices.

Tertiary: Environment

1. Close the windows perfectly.
2. Presence of central air condition & machine which control temperature & humidity.
3. Presence of distance about 3 meters between beds.
4. Presence of special patient rooms of complete separation and respiratory needs.
5. Presence of special place to store protective clothes.
6. Absence of any plants inside the unit.
7. Washing of the horizontal surfaces daily by Choler(CL).
8. Cleaning of the unit every morning & at the end of every shift or when it needed

Fourthly: Tools

1. Presence of protective clothes to the unit workers.
2. Presence of disinfecting agents (betadine – alcohol – choler).
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