Monday, June 7

Do not become like this

house md
-want some?-

Once in the Dermatology lecture given by Prof. Dr Najwa

"What is your name?" she said "Mahmod?Muhammad?"

"Syafiq, Syafiiiiiqqqq ( with qalqalah ) bil qaf ya dukturah" I replied.

Dr said "Bitetkallim 3arabi?" ( pandai cakap arab? )

Me "Aiwah, InsyaAllah.., nus-we-nus ya dukturah" ( ya insyaAllah siki-sikit je dokter )

"Mashi" She replied "leyh na3mil as3ah sadr fil A3yan Urticaria?"
 ( baekla..,nape kte buat chest x-ray kat pesakit urticaria? )  

Me ( ngarut gler, da la dalam muhadarah ramai org maluuunye kalo salah ) 
"Erm..,erm..,to exclude Malignancy ya dukturah"

"Aiwah asaH keda" said her. ( tepat skali )

"Alhamdulillah" ( seb baekla~..,hantam kromo je ) monolog-ing myself. 

Lesson to learn?

1.Always study because luck doesn't work multiple times.
2.Always try to improve your Ammiah ( increase in years doesn't mean increase fluency-la syafiq! )
3.Always hide yourself from being ask by Dr ( just for myself )
4.Do not become the doctor in the stories below ( very important )

1st story entitled "Ad-dawa' Muhtaram" ( Respectful or Powerful Medicine )

A man with unknown fever came to Dr x clinic
complaining about his symptom..,
After a ten minutes talking and sharing Dr x took a pen,
a doctor's pen, an expensive and wet-inked one..,
To write the prescription..,
Then the patient sent away to buy his medicine at the local pharmacy..,
He bought all the medicine Dr x wrote for him..,
At home he talks to his wife and kids 

"ed-duktur yeddini dawak muhtaram..,ed-dawak kulluh yesawi tultumit ginih"
( dr bg kat aku ubat best gler..,300 genih )

Want to know what are the drugs?
it contain the following....,

Broad spec anti-bacteria cefotaxime 
( 3rd generation cephalosporin )
Broad spec systemic anti-fungal fluconazole
( Azole group hepatotoxic! )
systemic anti-viral acilclovir
( Chromosome mutagen )

Dr x cover all of the bases for infection related fever..,
by writing those without considering the drugs interaction..,
Because he could not diagnose which infection is which...,

( !@#$%^&;*^&* )

2nd and 3rd stories will be up soon...,InsyaAllah

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